
for inspiration and grounding -- you are not alone

Take time to reflect on the power of trust and intuition. Sit ... ponder ... remind yourself of your soul's purpose and why it's important (to you) to stay aligned.

I know at times it's not always easy to trust our intuition and follow our inner guidance system, but with practice and integration, it gets easier. With each step toward alignment with our purpose, we get more confident in trusting our intuition and letting go of outcome expectations becomes easier.

Intuition can be our guiding light in difficult situations - it helps us make decisions that are deeply rooted in love, compassion, and understanding. When we tap into intuition with mindfulness and a sprinkle of clarity, everything falls into place perfectly as it should.

So today, choose trust! Choose to believe in your own inner knowing and surrender fears and doubts when they arise.

With love.

Once upon a time, there was a woman who found herself in the midst of an inner conflict. Despite the turmoil and chaos churning inside, she chose to listen deeply and lovingly to the messages stirring within.

She embraced all of the feelings that emerged with understanding and patience, never trying to push them away or ignore them. This woman honorably reflected on her experience, exploring all of its nuances with sheer curiosity and mindfulness.

Finally, after much meditation, she reached a place of deep peace within herself. She felt a sense of clarity around the situation that was both a profound paradigm shift and an awakening of a once-lost soul.

In this new orientation, she was able to better see the path forward; for how to best move through this troubling challenge with grace was up to her. And she is now armed with the tools to carve a new path and illuminate the journey for others.

I am, her. I am a light trailblazing my path through life. I am awake.

I am grateful for the wisdom that has come from the last 6 years of profound grief, loss, being lost and found again, and the paradox of holding onto the painful past AND hope for my future.

For without it, I would have never uncovered the deeper wounds I've been carrying with me. That now being conscious and aware, I choose to release them all and live my life with more freedom and unlearn all the conditional thinking that has kept me invisible.

I am here world! And I have a voice!

Journal Entry: March 16, 2023

The last few days have been hard, emotionally and mentally.

My mini me, my inner child, my wounded warrior needed to be consoled and loved.

So, I loved her.

I loved her a lot. We went to the park, we slept in, we cried, we had burritos, we sat in the sun, we went for walks, we cried, we watched TV, we ate chocolate, we snuggled with the dog, we cried and by last night I was all cried out.

That’s grief.

And it needs to be released.

It needs to be honored.

It’s also how I protect myself, my emotions, and my energy. When it’s needed, I clear my schedule and give myself the time. I have learned over the years, that if I neglect these basic needs, they build up into overwhelming grief and mourning, sickness, chronic fatigue, insomnia, PTSD, anxiety – and it’s much harder to deal with all those things while running a business.

And I know this because I had been juggling all those illnesses (and many not mentioned), my business, and client work for a long time. Then I decided ENOUGH! I’m not doing this to myself anymore.

So this weekend, with my cleared schedule, I gave myself peace, grace, space, rest and multiple energy clearings.

Today I woke up feeling that warrior goddess energy emerge with new perspective.

I’m ready to step in again. Step into my life and my business.

We are powerful! Even on the days we feel defeated or deflated and contracted or constricted, we are able to hold all of that in one hand AND in the other we hold our expansion and growth, our deepest yearnings to become our best self, and our vision for the future.

Love yourself through it all!

You are powerful!

You are a goddess warrior!

Dear one ... It's important to be gentle with yourself and learn ways to show yourself compassion. In this world, we are not taught to turn inwards and nurture ourselves, so it is a skill that many of us discover later in life.

And then there's much work that needs to be done because we have ignored (and maybe even mistreated) our inner being for so long. She is crying out to us to be listened to, to be held gently, and to be validated.

It is especially important to be gentle when we're dealing with loss, grief, trauma, pain, injury, illness, or any other major transition in life (no matter how long ago it happened).

Often times these major transitions set us on a new path, a path of transformation and awakening to become even more of our true selves . . .

please, allow her to be and give her permission to express herself. She has a deep need to be heard and protected!

My new Personal Discovery journal has just launched!

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Today in my journal I wrote a clearing mantra for myself to help me stay aware of releasing my past traumas and breath and allow all that is meant for me, to flow to me with ease and grace.

Then, I was inspired to create the digital art below.

I am called to share it with you . . . with love and gratitude.


Look at the clearing image below and then repeat the mantra (located below the image) to yourself.

Clearing Trauma to Receive Prosperity

digital art created by Melissa Etherton

"I am focused on clearing out the trauma and I am open to receive infinite abundance beyond my comprehension and imagination.

I am ready to let go of my past stories and patterns.

I release all that I think I know, all that I'm conditioned to think, and all limits are dissolved.

Today, I receive abundance!"

Sending you abundant wholeness,

~ Melissa
