Resisting resistance? Are you judging yourself because you're aware of your resistance?

The journey to making our dreams come true and reaching our goals is deeply rooted in acting upon them. While it’s easy to envision the life we desire or the achievements we wish to attain, manifesting these dreams requires conscious effort and heightened awareness.

The challenge often arises when we find ourselves desiring to act on our dreams—nothing external is stopping us—but for some reason, we’re unable to move forward. 

This phenomenon is known as resistance. Embracing , understanding and even making room within us to hold the resistance with grace, is essential to move through it and to ultimately, achieve our goals.

Understanding Resistance

Resistance is a universal experience, one that nearly everyone encounters at some point. To move through it, we first need to understand its causes. 

Resistance can stem from various sources, including anxiety and fear, but there are many other underlying factors as well.

  • Self-Awareness: Reflect on whether you have conflicting goals. Are you pursuing dreams that truly resonate with your future self, or are they imposed by others?
  • Mindfulness: Are you focusing on potential losses rather than the growth and gains that come with pursuing your dreams?
  • Present-Moment Awareness: Are you procrastinating, waiting for the perfect time, waiting for "a sign", or feeling overwhelmed by the weight of the task ahead?

Embracing the Root Causes

Instead of striving to overcome resistance, we can allow ourselves to fully experience it. 

This requires deep introspection, self-awareness, and a gentle approach. By staying present with our resistance, we gain valuable insights and cultivate the wisdom needed to make more empowered choices moving forward.

  • Fear and Anxiety: Use mindfulness and meditation to sit with these emotions, observing them without judgment and understanding their origins.
  • Conflicting and False Goals: Reevaluate your aspirations, ensuring they align with your true self and higher purpose.

Gaining Insights from Resistance

As we  uncover the causes AND connect to our deeper feelings, we can then choose to embrace them with compassion and patience. Picture bringing them closer to you through a warm, accepting hug.

Here are some aligned higher-self practices:

  • Emotional Regulation: Practice techniques like breathwork, journaling, or seeking support from a therapist to explore and understand fear and anxiety.
  • Ethical Living and Purpose: Align your goals with your core values and higher purpose, ensuring they reflect your true aspirations.
  • Surrender and Acceptance: Embrace the present moment and trust in the process of growth and transformation. Let go of the need for control and perfection.

Allowing and Reflecting

Work WITH your resistance by opening yourself up, wrapping your love around it and accepting what is true for you.

Denying, rejecting, projecting, stuffing, or pushing away the feelings will only amplify what your resisting AND the resistance itself.

Embracing resistance expands your capacity to hold your internal experiences; your truth.

Allow yourself to remain in this state, gently holding space for the practice of feeling and being present. Use this time to reflect and gain insights, understanding that this journey is about continuous growth and learning.

Patience and Trust

The greatest act of self-love when working with resistance is grace. Give yourself grace. Expand your self-compassion. And give yourself understanding and validation. 

Trust in your ability to navigate through challenges. Recognize that very few things are truly impossible when we allow what is in the dark to come to the light.

You have the inner strength and wisdom to navigate resistance and make your dreams a reality. By embracing the principles of expansion—self-awareness, mindfulness, inner peace, and alignment with your true purpose—you can gently embrace the resistance and move into taking action.

You have the capacity to hold the resistance AND take action.

Trust the journey and embrace every step.

With love,


About the author 

Melissa Etherton

Melissa Etherton is a Sacred Business Creatrix and Mentor helping visionary women Soulpreneurs create their soul-led business that transforms the greatest challenge of their life into the greatest contribution to the world.

Melissa specializes in helping women align and embody their inner desires WITH their outer destiny. Utilizing on-purpose principles and love-based business practices that she uncovered as the missing pieces in her soulful business, she is now showing women coaches, facilitators, professionals, and feminine leaders how to build their business with aligned tools and practices.

She walks the shadow-y journey, disrupting the status quo and helping women connect with their true self and life's work.

Wholeness is the destination and your soul-led business is the vehicle!

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