Every time you create a mini course, or any other type of information product (a.k.a. knowledge product, education product, how-to training) you will likely create a deeper desire in your audience. They're going to want to learn more.
And if you follow my suggestion in yesterday's article (Creating Your First (or Next) Online Course), and create a 7- to 10-day series, you'll be able to tell which topics were most popular by your audience engagement.
- Which email had the highest open rate?
- Or which topic inspired the most chatter in your Facebook group?
- Which video was viewed the most?
Then take the most popular topics and expand on them by going deeper into the content.
For example, every single post in this 28-day event can be expanded into an entirely new product.
Quick Note: For the rest of this article, I'll be mentioning information products and offers because I want to encompass all possibilities: checklists, cheat sheets, short essays, workbooks, eBooks, courses, webinars, audios, masterclasses, challenges, and so on. So, although I recommend you create a mini course, if another format is a better fit for you, what you're delivering, and/or your audience...then use that format instead.
Let’s look at some examples of how we can expand on different types of information products that you may have already created.
- 101 Ways to Get More Traffic – This report has 101 opportunities for new courses or information products. Each type of way to get more traffic can be expanded on to create a brand-new information product.
- 7 Reasons to Go Vegan – This offer has 7 chances to create a whole report about the different reasons to go vegan.
- 10 Ways to Get Your Emails Opened – Again, there are 10 opportunities for more laser-focused information products.
Any overview post or information product (like a free mini course, masterclass, webinar, challenge, or event like this one) that has an overview quality can be taken down deeper into the information to expand on the idea or point. Even a blog post, if it has subheadings or bullet points, can be expanded into multiple blog posts focused on each subheading or section.
Review Questions
A way to find out what you need to expand on within any of your information products, offers, or blog posts is to review the questions and comments you’ve received regarding that content. Often there is a clue there about where you can laser target the next information product for your audience.
Read Points
When you have an information product with a lot of points or steps almost every point or step is an opportunity to go deeper and get more specific. For example, if you are a weight loss coach there are numerous reasons people gain weight and each of those offers an opportunity to create a new product.
Go Deep Not Wide
In most cases, if you look at the content you’ve already created, it likely covers a wide variety of information to attract your audience. But, if you go deeper instead of wider, you can laser focus on an issue that will help solidify your relationships with your existing audience.
Focus on Only One Goal
To create this type of content you want to focus only on one goal. For example, instead of teaching 101 ways to get more traffic, go deep by expanding on getting traffic with Facebook Ads or with better SEO.
Digging deeper and being more specific with your information products is a great way to give more in-depth information to customers who have already bought from you. For example, if someone purchased the 101 Ways to Get More Traffic eBook you wrote, you could then market your course 7 Facebook Ad Traffic Secrets You Need to Know as soon as they’ve finished the first offer.Be brilliant.
Be imperfect.
And always, be you.