I decided to deliver this content on day 3 because I wanted to plant the "where are you spending your time" seed (yesterday's article-click here if you haven't read it yet) before we take a closer look at your vision inside the different areas of your life.
Because I want you to notice how much or how little time you spend thinking and planning your business with your personal needs and goals in mind. As women, we're disconnected from our deeper needs because we're brought up to believe that it's selfish, ego-centric, or bitchy.
We're programmed to think that a good mother, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, grandmother, or friend is supposed to take care of everyone else. We're supposed to nurture others.
What has become an accepted social convention, actually teaches young girls to disconnect from themselves.
And now as grown women, we are trying to find our way back to ourselves.
I want to be clear, that looking at where we spend our time is not to become more efficient or focus on perfecting our habits. That construct is inside the masculine system and can be explored another day. That system does not serve smart, conscious, visionary women on a mission to heal and create her life's work.
In part, this event is to teach you how to build a business around your lifestyle AND also to dismantle the old systems so we can fully become who we came here to be. It's time to release what is not working for us and stop trying to force ourselves into conformity.
We're here to step into the possibilities of our life and self-actualize by using our business as a vehicle for personal growth and to birth our greatest contribution to the world.
We're going to redefine the word "goal" to serve our own purposes here. We'll be writing out goals, but the process to get to the heart of our desire takes a different approach.
The truth is most people don’t go deep enough into their goals. The experience usually stays superficial and the generic goal setting process typically stops at a list of things you'd like to do or accomplish, places you'd like to visit, and the amount of money you want to make.
That goal setting exercise is important, but it's just not developed enough; it's not connected enough. And it's solely based in the doing and has no connection to the being.
We are going to take a journey inside the deepest dreams & desires of our life.
Our entry point is through the heart, not the mind.
Take a look at the "Perfect Day" you started creating on Day 1. Read through it to presence the vision.
Now jump into this next exercise: Let's dive deeper into our vision and describe it so clear that it almost becomes a tangible manifestation. Go so deep that you can see it, taste it, touch it, smell it, and hear it.
Listen to the guided exercise below.
Now over the next month, I'd like you to listen to the audio multiple times, and focus on the main areas where you long for growth and healing. If you want to improve your health, then enter the guided exercise thinking about your physical health and being your healthiest self. Place her in your perfect day.
What activities is she doing that nurtures her healthy body? What does she do during her alone time? How does she feel in her body? What kind words does she say to herself when she looks in the mirror? How's her energy? How does this feel in the body?
Below is a list of the main areas of life. Feel free to explore them all. The experience I'm inviting you into is a practice. As we grow and change, so do our goals. We become more clear about what we want or don't want.
Searching the depths of ourselves ongoingly as a business practice keeps us connected, keeps us present, and helps us navigate the inner journey as we adjust to the outside world. The ultimate goal: seek what we desire, heal & grow, and stay aligned with who we are.
Immediately after you complete your journey, journal (in as much detail as possible) what you discovered.
Don’t Think About the How Right Now
As you write down the visions for yourself, don’t worry about how you’re going to do it. As you become more clear on the details, the how will start to reveal itself. Right now, you just want to focus on the practice and getting it written out. Have the experience of visualizing it so clearly, you can feel it in your body.
Let's get curious. Ask yourself, "I wonder how I can start doing . . .", I wonder where I could schedule some time in my week to . . .", I'm curios . . ."
If you’re future self is painting on the beach at sunset , then how can you begin to bring her into the present? What could you start doing to give yourself time to do this? What could you stop doing so you have more time or resources or energy to do this?
You don't need to take on a bunch of changes. Pick one main focus right now and start micro-adjusting your schedule, your energy, your resources, whatever you have, toward that vision.
No vision will ever come true if you wait for someday. My dearest Lovey, that day won't come to whisk you away. That personal trainer or physician won't show up one day with your new body.
And that's good news.
It's good news because what you desire to create is within YOUR power. It's good news because you can start today. No waiting required.
I'd love to hear your thoughts about this topic or your experience with the guided business practice.
Personally, I'm in a constant state of exploration, uncovering, and learning inside this conversation with myself. And as I dig deeper, the more I'm connected to the real possibilities in front of me.
Please share in the Facebook group what you've learned about your future self. Remember, I'm in the Facebook group every day to answer your questions and support your growth.
Till tomorrow,
Be brilliant.
Be imperfect.
And always, be you.