Today we get to make a shift in how we look at our needs and their priority status.
I'd like for you to download the PDF below and write out all of YOUR needs, and ONLY your needs. This is not a to-do list. These are the things you need to do to take care of yourself, to heal, to feel vibrant, to feel rested, to feel connected, to feel like you're living . . . you get the idea.
But first read my personal example below and the instructions before you jump into the PDF. This is a very specific approach that has helped me tremendously. I'm so happy I get to share it with you now.
1. Identify what you need (my personal example is below to model the process and to share how important it is to be intentional and honest with yourself)
2. Acknowledge what contributes to or hinders you from fulfilling that need
3. Then turn your list into statements around what you can do to support your needs.
Here's my real life example
Ever since my husband passed away, among other things I have battled terrible, debilitating headaches. Headaches so strong that I would get blurred vision, vertigo, nausea, extreme fatigue, and essentially my body would totally break down. If I had an hour call with a client, afterwards my head would become so overwhelmed, my mind would just shut off. I would immediately have to take a nap. There wasn't a choice. My brain was done and I was down for an hour, two, or three at a time just to reset my brain and relieve the pain.
Recognizing that I needed to do something about this, I shifted my priority off of my client and what they needed and placed it on my needs. My first priority became protecting my health at all costs.
I knew that when I rest it greatly reduces the chance of an intense headache overwhelming me. So that was my first step. Stop working so many hours, cut back on length of client calls, and rest more. Since my headache never really goes away, I am constantly aware it's there and I must be intentional with my "maintenance" boundary.
There are also some days when I have big things due and I'm not able to have as much of a leisure day, so I have a list of things I can do to help me if a major migraine comes on. So in part, this is about knowing your needs, maintaining your pain and overwhelm, and having Plan B if it's one of those days where you can't get things done (or can't get out of bed).
Here's the steps
Step One: Write down what you need:
Manage my headaches so I don't feel wiped out or sick
Step Two: Acknowledge what makes you feel this way or what creates this scenario:
In my case, I needed to acknowledge what made me feel stressed, fatigued and overwhelmed which contributed to my headaches:
Managing more than 6 client projects at a time
Long calls with clients
Back to back calls
Not enough sleep
Step Three: How can you take your list from step two and turn them into statements that help you establish boundaries?
In my example, I could clearly identify the areas to either create boundaries, cut back or cut out all together.
Examples from my list:
Creating a list in this way allowed me to figure out how I could support myself better and establish boundaries in my business. So when a client asked to have a call with me, I would make sure they knew I had another engagement in 45 minutes. This set the boundary AND I was able to take care of my client.
In addition, filling my day with breaks, snuggles, laughter, and down time gave me space for healing. My headaches are still here, but they are way more manageable. Now, if I happen to be on a call that lasts more than 45 minutes it doesn't wipe me out for 3 hours.
Do you agree? If that were entirely true I think the world as a collective would be happier and healthier.
It's not enough to just assume that if our needs were important enough we'd be sure to take care of ourselves. The reality is we have lots of things pulling at us and they're all important. They're all a priority to us. So the goal is to make sure our needs are checked off every day and the rest fits in around it.
Your turn . . .
- Download the PDF below.
- Make your lists. What ever you can think of now, write it down. As you go through your day, pay attention to the areas where you struggle or could set more boundaries. Add them to your list.
- Walk through each step outlined above. Acknowledge what contributes to or hinders your healing.
- Translate your needs into statements that support you and create boundaries in your business.
- Then fill in the PDF with an actionable task that sets that boundary.
Here's your downloadable PDF. Remember to write your needs as an actionable task, e.g. only schedule 2 client or prospect calls in one day.
Written in this context helps you remember where your boundaries are and allows you to protect them. The implementation comes naturally because the boundary is already built in. Then adjust as you need to.
I'd love for you to share in the Facebook group. If you're struggling to turn your needs into a protected boundary post it in the Facebook group and tag me. I'll help you zero in on the boundary.
I will be in the Facebook group every day to answer your questions and support your growth.
Till tomorrow,
Be brilliant.
Be imperfect.
And always, be you.